Hello! My name is Corie Hinton and I am
a Muralist in Portland, Oregon. Murals can transform a home, a business, a neighborhood.
Are your walls living up to their potential?

I am a Muralist in Portland, Oregon.
My mission is to bring:
to environments, through painting murals.
I was born in 1985 and raised in Eugene, Oregon. I grew up playing in the dirt and making things with my hands. I was encouraged to create by my artistic parents. My love of acrylic paint began in high school, thanks to my studies with Eugene - based surrealist painter, Richard Quigley. I made my first mural in high school, when my mom decided she hated the wallpaper in our kitchen and allowed me to paint a tropical garden on the wall instead. I fell in love with painting BIG. Since then, I have been painting murals for private homes, schools, and businesses.
I attended Laguna College of Art and Design in Laguna Beach, California, where I earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration in 2007. After college, I joined the Peace Corps, and lived and worked in a rural village in Madagascar from 2008 - 2010. After painting murals for friends in my village, and in hospitals and schools during Peace Corps, it became clear to me that painting murals with and for people, adds value to the world. Murals can inspire change and learning within communities. Murals can allow you to show the world who you are. Murals can teach. Murals can just make you feel good.
From 2011-2013, I worked on the Lane Arts Council's Teaching Artist Roster in Eugene, OR. I worked in over 10 public schools in Lane County, with students grades K-12, teaching art and making murals together. In the Summer of 2012, I worked as an Intern and later as an Assistant, with the Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia, PA. I worked with Muralist Delia King and six justice-involved individuals (JIIs) on a mural that was a part of the MAP's Restorative Justice program - a program focused on rehabilitation of JIIs through art and community involvement.
In 2014 I moved to Portland, Oregon, where I now work with individuals, families, and businesses to transform their walls. Custom-painted means exactly that: I work with you to get it how you want it. Murals can dramatically change a space for the better - being able to do this for people is at the heart of what makes me love this job.
Thank you for checking out my work and feel free to drop me a line, I'm always excited to meet new people.